Treatment Remedy At Home To Avoid Having A Dandruff

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. It could also be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, very commonly, an overgrowth of a yeastlike fungus called malassezia. Before reading on about treating your dandruff at home, make sure you actually have dandruff. Chances are a good amount of the people visiting this page will actually have dry scalp, which differs from dandruff in symptoms and treatment.

Dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis is a common scalp disorder. It can occur due to dry skin, irritated oily skin, growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, inflammatory skin conditions and other such factors. It causes itchiness along with excessive formation of dry skin flakes on the scalp.

Dandruff can be controlled by following a healthy hair care routine. You can also try some simple natural home remedies. It is true that natural remedies take time to show results but they can effectively treat the problem completely.

Coconut oil helps eliminate dandruff due to its anti fungal properties. It also moisturizes dry scalp and provides relief from itching.

Scalp treatment with apple cider vinegar is effective in getting rid of dandruff. It restores the pH balance of the scalp, thereby inhibiting the growth of yeast. It also works as a natural hair clarifier and helps clean clogged pores and hair follicles.

Being a mild exfoliant, baking soda helps remove dead skin cells and absorbs excess oil. It can also help balance ph levels on the scalp and reduce the growth of fungi that cause dandruff.

White vinegar is one of the best home treatments for dandruff. Vinegar has acetic acid that prevents growth of fungi on your scalp and relieves itching.

Baking soda is just an all-around useful thing to have in the house. It plays a large part in a lot of natural home remedies, and for good reason-it usually works! It helps to remove dandruff for a number of reasons.

Aspirin can help with more than just headaches-it’s also an easy at-home remedy for dandruff. Pure Aspirin uses a large percentage of Salicylic Acid, which is an active ingredient in many commercial anti-dandruff shampoos.

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