Treatment Remedy At Home To Avoid Acne or Pimple

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The ingredients to clear acne may be as close as your kitchen cabinet. Home made acne treatments include facial masks made from lemon juice, cucumber, and honey. If a person is having a acne it can be surprised to find that you already have several acne treatments right in your own home and in your kitchen of all places. Common foods and ingredients, such as cucumbers, oatmeal, grapes, and yeast, can be mixed into a facial mask and turned into acne remedies. Giving a home made facial may help you prevent or clear acne and keep skin glowing and stay beautiful

Pop an aspirin or two. Taking one or two 325-milligram tablets four times a day can help calm an acne outbreak by reducing inflammation.

Three times a day, dab a drop of tea-tree oil on blemishes to discourage infection and speed healing. Research has found that 5% tea-tree oil is as effective against acne as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution.
For acne or pimple that flares at that time of the month, drink one to two cups of chasteberry tea a day. Some studies show that this herb helps regulate female hormones.  Give the herb two or three months to work. And don’t drink copious amounts of the tea to hasten the results it may make your skin look worse. Dab vinegar or lemon juice on pimples. All vinegars contain acids that can help flush out pores so does lemon juice.

An old folk remedy for healing pimples is to use a mixture of spice and honey on them. Combine 1 teaspoon powdered nutmeg and 1 teaspoon honey, and apply it to the pimple. Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off.

For beautiful skin, brides in India traditionally use a turmeric mask before their wedding. Ingredients for this acne remedy are available at spice markets and ethnic food stores. Mix together 1/2 cup of chickpea flour and 2 teaspoons each turmeric powder, sandalwood powder, and almond oil, and then combine them with enough water to make a paste.

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